BlackBerry provides a wide variety of resources and information to help Architects, Developers, Construction Managers, and Historic Consultants to better understand the window replacement, replication, and restoration process. We provide this information free of charge to any professional working in the commercial sector. This information goes beyond our project specific services that include:
- Job Site Inspection and Review
- Window Survey and our Historic Window Site Review
- Design- and Job-Specific Details
- Project Review and Budget Pricing
- Project Management and Installation
The following are additional resources and information to help educate you and your clients.
Traditional Buiding Conference Online Education Series
Traditional Building Magazine and Conferences has been a leader in the promotion of saving, restoring, and replicating historical architecture. Their Online Education Series as well as their in-person annual conferences provide in depth educational sessions in all aspect of historical and traditional architecture and construction. All sessions provide AIA-CEU Credits.

State Historic Preservation Offices
The State Historic Preservation Offices or SHPO, were set up in response to the passage of the Federal Historic Tax Credit program to administer and review the in-state projects seeking these tax credits. These offices are part of and funded by your State Government. They often also are associated with or part of the State Historic or History Divisions for each individual state. The job of staff is to review the applications for both Federal and State (if available in their state) Tax Credit programs, or State Grants for restoration or replication. The guidelines for the method of work and required processes have been created by the National Park Service under the U.S. Department of Interior. When working on any older or historic structure we work suggest contacting the SHPO office in your state in the early stages of the process.
Michigan: 517.335.9840;
Ohio: 614.297.2300;
Indiana: 317.232.1646;
Illinois: 217.782.4836;
Wisconsin: 608-261-9582;