The Isaac Agree Synagogue

Wood Window Restoration

Historical Background

Isaac Agree was a Russian immigrant who came to Detroit in 1904. In 1921, his family and friends created the Isaac Agree Memorial Society. The small congregation met in a private home in Detroit’s North End which became the center of Jewish Life in the community. For several decades the congregation grew and moved to various locations. In 1962, the congregation purchased the former Fintex clothing store at 1457 Griswold. The unique four-story triangular building with mid century multicolored block glass windows and a red entrance door became the congregation’s new home. It is the only free-standing synagogue to remain in Detroit. Rabbi Ariana Sliverman was hired in 2016 to lead the staff and congregation as well as the planned building renovation project.

With the generous support of donors the renovation began in 2022 and finished in the summer of 2023. The building has regained new life to match the energy and the growth of the downtown congregation.

BlackBerry's Role

  • BlackBerry provided window review and design assistance working with the architect and construction manager. We provided our Historic Window Site Review to assist in the preliminary design and budget pricing.
  • BlackBerry fully restored over 60 wood double hung and steel fixed windows throughout the entire building. The full restoration included stripping and abating all lead paint, epoxy repair of all wood and steel components, hardware restoration, new glass and glazing compound, as well as priming and two coat finish painting on all interior and exterior surfaces.
  • New NPS approved narrowline interior storm windows were supplied and installed to upgrade the overall energy-efficiency. This not only made the interior space more comfortable, this also reduced the outdoor street noise for the building occupants.

Current Use

This project cost an estimated $5.75 million dollars. The congregation is fully occupying the remodeled spaces. There is continued growth in the programing and the synagogue is becoming a hub for young congregation members in their 20s and 30s who have migrated to living downtown with the recent renaissance of the downtown city core and neighborhoods.

Project Team

  • Owner: Isaac Agree Memorial Society
  • Architect: Newman-Smith Architecture
  • Construction Manager: Sachse Construction
  • Completed 2023

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