BlackBerry provides wood, steel and aluminum replication windows when window restoration is not acceptable. Many times after a full site review of the existing openings the windows are deemed as being in a condition that does not allow for restoration and repair; or the windows have been removed, or replaced previously. In any of these cases every effort is made to replace or replicate the existing windows with a product that closely matches the original component profile, dimension, and material appearance. Often the architect or historic consultant will provide photos showing the original structure and design so we can determine the necessary window replication to match the original. BlackBerry provides the field survey and review, as well as the component design for verification for historic approvals and permits.
Using our Historic Window Site Review we provide a full explanation of existing conditions, recommended replacement, and budget pricing for the various proposed options. This provides the Owner, Architect and Construction Manager, as well as the approving authorities, with an accurate overview of the best pathway for replication. From that point forward the following process is followed:
- Shop drawings showing the original component details and the proposed product details including the head, sill, jamb, meeting rail, and mullion.
- Upon approval, submittals for all required items including glass, finish, hardware, will be provided.
- Product is ordered and delivered to the site upon completion of manufacturing.
- The existing windows are removed and replaced with the replicating product which includes disposal, wood blocking, exterior and interior caulking, jamb insulation and window installation.
- All component site lines and profiles are checked to meet the approved design.
The completion of the work is reviewed and approved by the Owner’s representative for compliance with the project specifications. BlackBerry provides warranty assurance for all workmanship and material provided on the job. Our goal is to provide a long lasting, energy efficient product that preserves the original historic integrity of the building and design.

Main Street East, Kalamazoo, Michigan